YOLO v7 training #2

Following my last published YOLO v7 fine-tune , a new YOLO v7 training procedure was carried out, aiming to shed some light upon the raised questions on the last training trial.

This time, the used dataset was only contained by synthetic images, generated with the real object (wood block texture):

  • Training: 56 000 images
  • Validation: 14 000 images
  • Total: 70 000 images
  • Train - Valid Ratio: 80% - 20%

The yolov7-tiny model finetune occurred with the selected parameters:

  • epochs: 100
  • batch size: 64 
  • initial learning rate: 0.01 ( lr0 )
  • final OneCycleLR learning rate ( lrf ): 0.1 ( lr0*lrf

After more than 54 hours of training, the two Loss metrics (Box and Objectness) graphs looked like this:



  • Box metric: bounding box regression accuracy. This measures how well the predicted bounding boxes match the ground truth boxes in terms of location, size, and shape.

  • Objectness metric: measures the confidence score assigned by the model regarding the presence of an object within a predicted bounding box. In YOLO, each bounding box prediction includes a confidence score that reflects the likelihood that an object is present and how accurate the bounding box is.


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