Neural Network Analysis

With the new dataset collected on 1 August 2022 (see this post), we optimized some parameters to achieve a proper and valid neural network.

On a Universe of 2558 samples (640 pull, 642 push, 632 shake, 644 twist). Where 1790 for training (1253 train, 537 validation) and 768 for testing.

Searched combinations:
n_hidden_layers = 2 or 3
neurons_in_layer = 32 or 64
dropout = 0.2 or 0.5
activation_function = relu or selu

Fixed values:
model_optimizer = Adam
learning_rate = 0.001
max_epochs = 300
batch_size = 96
model_loss = sparse_categorical_crossentropy
kernel_regularizer_per_layer = L1
early_stopping = val_loss ; patience = 30


model configurations: 160
searched time: 16m55s

Best Result



Epoch 218/300:
loss: 0.7502 - accuracy: 0.8859
val_loss: 0.7890 - val_accuracy: 0.8566

Using 1253 samples for training and 537 for validation


Confusion Matrix



Using 768 new samples for predicting


10 best results (optimization)



Analyzing the Confusion Matrix, we can see that the forth interaction (TWIST) had much more mismatched predictions than the other three interactions. Because of this, we can suspect that this specific movement could be ambiguous...

Let's now exclude the TWIST interaction from our study by creating a new neural network, with only 3 output neurons; and removing all twist samples from our dataset.

Study without TWIST

On a Universe of 1914 samples (640 pull, 642 push, 632 shake). Where 133 for training (937 train, 401 validation) and 575 for testing.



Searched combinations:

batch_size = 64 or 96
n_hidden_layers = 2 or 3
neurons_in_layer = 16 or 32 or 64
dropout = 0.2 or 0.5
activation_function = relu or selu

Fixed values:
model_optimizer = Adam
learning_rate = 0.001
max_epochs = 300
model_loss = sparse_categorical_crossentropy
kernel_regularizer_per_layer = L1
early_stopping = val_loss ; patience = 30


model configurations: 1008
searched time: 2h59m44s



BEST Result 

Epoch 223/300

loss: 0.3423 - accuracy: 0.9840 
val_loss: 0.3785 - val_accuracy: 0.9502 

Using 937 samples for training and 401 for validation


Confusion Matrix

Using 575 new samples for predicting


 10 best results (optimization)


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